
Analytical Facility (HPLC, UPLC, QTOF)

Platform for chromatographic analysis and mass based structure characterization with particular but not unique emphasis in microbial cell surface associated structures.


  • Acquity UPLC H-Class System (Waters)
  • Xevo G2-XS QTof system coupled to Acquity UPLC System H-Class (Waters)
  • HPLC system with UV/Visible detector (Waters)
  • HPLC system with Fluorescence detector (Waters)

Analytical infrastructure with expertise in the analysis of glycolipids and glycopeptides. There are two different options offered to the users depending on the needs:

1. Service (any cellular glycopeptide sample): Running costs, reagents and method development/optimization will be covered by the user. Data will be delivered without any further analysis.

2. Collaboration (cell wall peptidoglycan samples): Nominal running costs will be covered by the user. The rest will be covered by the facility including an extensive data analysis and contribution in manuscript writing.

MiSeq Sequencer (Illumina Technologies)

Benchtop next generation sequencing platform.

Equipment: MiSeq System (Illumina)

The MiSeq System offers the first DNA-to-data sequencing platform, integrating cluster generation, amplification, sequencing, and data analysis into a single instrument.

The MiSeq System leverages Illumina sequencing by synthesis (SBS) technology, the most widely used, next-generation sequencing chemistry worldwide.


  • Exceptional data quality. High-quality data demonstrated through peer-reviewed, scientific comparison.
  • Simple, intuitive instrument workflow. Highly automated system features a simple, easy-to-use instrument interface.
  • Fast turnaround time. Rapid sequencing and variant detection for time-critical studies.
  • Extensive suite of applications. Adjustable read length and flow cell options provide ultimate flexibility across a broad range of applications.

Key applications:

  • Small genome sequencing
  • Targeted gene sequencing
  • 16S metagenomic sequencing
  • Gene expression analysis with Targeted RNA-Seq
  • Targeted gene panels
  • De Novo Sequencing
  • miRNA & Small RNA Analysis
  • Genotyping by sequencing
  • DNA-Protein interaction analysis with ChIP-Seq
  • Quality Control

Bacteria cell sorting facility

Automated benchtop cell sorter for bacteriology research.

Equipment: S3 cell sorter (BioRad)

The S3 cell sorter from BioRad is an automated benchtop cell sorter featuring either one or two lasers and up to four fluorescence detectors plus forward- and side-scatter detectors. The S3 cell sorter uses state-of-the-art ProDrop™ technology for automated drop delay calculation and droplet break-off monitoring, thereby simplifying one of the most complex and errorprone aspects of cell sorting.

This cell sorter provides exceptional sort purity without compromising performance and sensitivity. The S3e Cell Sorter is the first truly walk-away automated cell sorter. Real-time monitoring and smart features make cell sorting easier and accessible to both novices and experts.

Features and Benefits of the S3e Cell Sorter:

  • Hands-free nozzle tip alignment — features the fully automatic AutoGimbal™ System, driven completely by software.
  • Simplified instrument setup — fully automated drop delay calculation, stream alignment, and droplet break-off monitoring enable precise 1–4 color sorting with minimal training.
  • Compact design — dimensions of only 70 × 65 × 65 cm (2.3 × 2.1 × 2.1 ft) including onboard fluidics and temperature control system.
  • 2-way cell sorting — sort two different defined populations at the same time.
  • High speed and high purity — sort cells fast while maintaining high sensitivity and purity.
  • Intuitive interface — user-friendly ProSort™ Software enables effortless instrument control and sort logic definition.
  • ProDrop Technology produces extremely accurate and precise results.

Umeå Hypoxia Research Facility (UHRF)

A facility for performing experiments under hypoxic conditions has been created at the Molecular Biology Department at Umeå University.

Equipment: Chemostate BioFlo 120, H135 HEPA, H35 Hypoxystations, Whitley DG250 Anaerobic Workstation, Anoxomat, Excella e25 incubator, BioTek Plate reader.

UHRF is a facility for working under controlled oxygen concentrations with eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. It consists of 5 hypoxic/anoxic workstations (Don Whitley Scientific): 2x H35, 1x H135 (with HEPA filter and an Epoch2 plate reader), 1x DG250 workstation, and an Anoxomat (Advanced Instruments). In addition, we have a chemostate (Bioflo 120, Eppendorf) for microbial growth under highly controlled conditions, a cell sorter (Biorad S3), and several incubators, shakers and refrigerated centrifuges. A yearly survey will collect user’s feedback to guide the incorporation of future equipment.

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